Church News

  1. Fourth and Fifth Sunday of Lent and Palm Sunday 10, 17 and 24 March 2024

    Fourth Sunday of Lent (John 3:14-21) In the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus, Jesus explains privately to a Jew the significance of the Coming of the Son of God. The raising up of the Son of God speaks both of his death on the cross and of his resurrection. His death is considered glorious, leading […]

  2. Second and Third Sunday of Lent 25 February and 3rd March 2024

    Second Sunday of Lent (Mark 9:2-10) It is an ancient tradition that the story of the Transfiguration of Jesus is read on the Second Sunday of Lent. To understand this gospel and its place in the early days of Lent we need to observe that this experience comes as Jesus begins his journey from Galilee […]

  3. Fifth and Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, First Sunday in Lent 4, 11 and 18 February 2024

    Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Mark 1:29-39) Mark sets before us a typical day’s ministry of Jesus in Capernaum. The miracles of Jesus are signs of the kingdom and point to the resurrection. He has come to raise up to new life those who welcome his help. Mark speaks of Jesus at prayer before the […]

  4. Nativity of the Lord, The Holy Family and The Epiphany of the Lord 24 and 31 December 7 January

    The Nativity of the Lord (Day)  (John 1:1-18) John’s opening words offer a rich reflection on the mystery of the human birth of the Son of God. The evangelist refers to him as ‘the Word’, for God has finally spoken his fullest word to the human race. God having spoken many times in the past […]

  5. 3, 10 and 17 December 2023 First, Second and Third Sunday in Advent

    First Sunday of Advent  (Mark 13:33-37) Today’s reading is from the speech of Jesus about waiting for the return of the Lord. This is the most prominent theme in the first weeks of Advent. With the coming of the Lord, we are forced to wait. We need to grow in maturity and generosity, in wisdom […]

  6. 30th, 31st and 32 Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) 29 October, 5 and 12 November 2023

    Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Matthew 22:34-40) If we return to the ancient expression of the law of God in the Ten Commandments we find no explicit reference to love of God and love of neighbour. Jesus draws together all the commandments under these two headings. What does Jesus mean by love? Love of God […]