Church News

  1. Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9,16 and 23 June 2024

      NEWSLETTER for Catholics on the Tendring Peninsula   Parish Priest: Father Joseph Whisstock Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                    9 June 2024 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time                                             16 June 2024 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                23 June 2024   Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Mark 3:20-35) Members of Jesus’ family are so concerned about Jesus […]

  2. Seventh Sunday of Easter 12 May and Pentecost Sunday 19 May 2024

    Seventh Sunday (John 17:11-19) This lengthy prayer is a deep and intimate prayer, focused on the disciples, but also focused on us, as Jesus leaves us to return to the father. Jesus prays that we be kept true to his name. It is easy to show enthusiasm in the beginning, but the life of faith […]

  3. Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Sunday of Easter 21 and 28 April and 5 May 2024

    Fourth Sunday (John 10:11-18) Jesus is the good shepherd who gives his very life for his sheep. His knowledge of them, his familiarity with them as he enfolds them in his loving care, reflects the close relationship between the Father and the Son. The flock of Jesus Christ is not composed only of those who […]

  4. Easter Sunday, Second and Third Sunday of Easter 31 March and 7 and 14 April 2024

    Easter Sunday (John 20:1-9) Christian faith proclaims: ‘Christ has died! Christ is risen! Christ will come again!’ Without the resurrection, the real rising of Jesus to new life in a transformed and glorified body, there would be no good news to proclaim. The God of love is more powerful than death and sin, and God […]

  5. Fourth and Fifth Sunday of Lent and Palm Sunday 10, 17 and 24 March 2024

    Fourth Sunday of Lent (John 3:14-21) In the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus, Jesus explains privately to a Jew the significance of the Coming of the Son of God. The raising up of the Son of God speaks both of his death on the cross and of his resurrection. His death is considered glorious, leading […]

  6. Second and Third Sunday of Lent 25 February and 3rd March 2024

    Second Sunday of Lent (Mark 9:2-10) It is an ancient tradition that the story of the Transfiguration of Jesus is read on the Second Sunday of Lent. To understand this gospel and its place in the early days of Lent we need to observe that this experience comes as Jesus begins his journey from Galilee […]