Fr Frank writes:
My dear friends,
In our readings today we are reminded of the importance of humility.
In our first reading (from Ecclesiasticus) we are told that if we ‘behave humbly we will find favour with God.’ The second reading (from the letter to the Hebrews) backs this up by making it clear that we are all ‘first born.’ In other words, all of us are equal as long as we do His will – live as his children. Our value in God’s eyes isn’t to do with our intellectual or physical abilities, nor our economic or social standing. We are all valuable simply because we are ‘first born’ children.
Today is a World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. It reminds us that we all have a responsibility as God’s children to care for the world He has entrusted to us. Remember, there is no Planet B!
It was decided at the Annual General Meetings of both parishes that a discussion topic would feature on the agenda of future PPC meetings, and that this would be published in advance to give parishioners who are not members of the PPC the opportunity to pass on their views. The topic for the agenda (Frinton 5th and Harwich 19th September) is “How can we best evangelise our parish”. Please pass on any ideas you may have to me or to any member of your PPC.
May our Creator God bless you now and always.
Frank ofs
Sunday Smile: Seen in a Newspaper in India:
Sacred to the memory of Rev Pugh who, after twenty years of unremitting labour as a missionary, was accidentally shot by his native bearer.