Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

Twenty fourth Sunday in ordinary Time 15 September

Fr Frank writes:


My dear friends,


The three parables in today’s Gospel speak of the intrinsic nature of God as a loving and merciful father.


We note that God’s love towards His children is unconditional, non-calculating, benevolent and infinitely merciful. He searches for the lost one until He finds him. And then, “He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities” (Psalm 103). This is amply illustrated in the parable of the prodigal son. The son comes to his senses and chooses to retrace his steps to his father’s house with a repentant heart. We note that his father accepts him wholeheartedly. If we have strayed, we too can turn to God our loving Father in full confidence that he will pour his merciful love and forgiveness upon us.


On the weekend of 28/29 September we celebrate Harvest Festival in both parishes. On that day could you please bring foodstuffs to church to be placed around the altar. After Mass these can then be distributed to the Foodbanks in Harwich or Walton-on-the-Naze. I know you are generous in your support of the Foodbanks, but it would be wonderful if we could make an extra effort that weekend. No fresh foods, please.


May our loving and caring God bless you now and always.

Frank ofs



Sunday Smile:


Parishioner to rector’s wife: “Did you wake up grumpy this morning?”

Rector’s wife: “No, I thought I’d let him sleep on.”