For Catholics on the Tendring Peninsula….
SPECIAL NEWSLETTER XXV – keeping in touch.
TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (A): Education Day 19/20 September 2020
Our Lady Queen of Heaven, Dovercourt: 01255 503383
Sacred Heart and St Francis of Assisi, Frinton-on-Sea: 01255 674475
Masses to be celebrated in our churches during the week:
Monday (21st): (Dovercourt) 11.30am Robert Jones RIP
12.30pm Funeral Service: Robert Jones RIP
Wednesday (23rd): (Frinton) 2.00pm Mass: Linda Hiscock RIP
Thursday (24th): (Frinton) 11.00am Sisters of Mercy, Clacton
Friday (25th): (Dovercourt) 9.30am Mr & Mrs John Calnan & family
Saturday (26th): (Frinton) 6.00pm Pauline Field RIP (Eileen Winter)
Sunday (27th): (Frinton) 8.30am Sr Colette & sisters
(Dovercourt) 10.45am All Parishioners
In addition to these Masses, Fr Bill will continue to celebrate Mass in The Presbytery. His Mass intentions are:
Students & Staff of St Joseph’s
Students & Staff of St Philomena’s
Students & Staff of St Benedict’s
Justice and Peace in the World
Fr Frank & Anne
My dear friends,
Today we especially remember in our prayers our church schools: St Joseph’s, St Philomena’s, and St Benedicts; praying for all pupils/students and all who work in, and those who support the work of, these places of education and learning. We remember, not just our church schools, but all young people and children and those in our part of the world who are committed to the education of the young in these difficult times. We also pray for our seminarians and those of our communities who are beginning a new academic year in Further or Higher Education. Finally, we thank God for the work of the Brentwood Catholic Youth Service and ask His blessing on all the young people associated with it.
Please note that, owing to the Funeral of Robert Jones, the Dovercourt Mass on Monday will be at 11.30am – this is to save me having to travel 54 miles that morning! Why not come along to Mass and remain for the Funeral Service? Linda Hiscock’s Funeral Mass will take place at Frinton at 2.00pm on Wednesday – please note the change in Mass times. May they rest in peace.
May our heavenly Father, the giver of all good gifts, bless you today and all days.
Fr Frank
A hymn for this Sunday:
Praise to the Holiest in the height,
and in the depth be praise,
in all his words most wonderful,
most sure in all his ways.
This hymn is sung to several different tunes, so choose your favourite and let rip!
The words, of course, are taken from the poem ‘The Dream of Gerontius’ by St John Henry Newman written after his conversion to Catholicism. They inspired the magnificent choral work, by another Catholic, Sir Edward Elgar.
This week’s reflection is the response to the psalm: ‘The Lord is close to all who call him.’ (AJ)
Sunday Mass Attendance (both parishes): 19/20 September surnames S-Z; 26/27 September A-D. (Please remember there are no ‘alphabetical restrictions’ applied to weekday Masses.)
Autumn: as we move into the Autumn season the days get colder. Despite this, we need to keep our churches ventilated due to the Covid-19 virus (please do not be tempted to close the windows or doors!) Perhaps you could keep the likely church temperature in mind when choosing your coat before coming to Mass! Wrap up warm, keep well and keep safe.
Sunday Smile: Genuine (we are told!) notices taken from church bulletins. The sermon this morning: ‘Jesus Walks on the Water.’ The sermon tonight: ‘Searching for Jesus.’