Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A)

Fr Frank writes:


My Dear Friends,


Our Gospel reading today shows the importance of Faith. Jesus uses the faith of the Canaanite women to make clear that his love and concern extends to all people of faith. Jesus says to the woman, ‘you have great faith’. May we too display this ‘great faith’ in our day-to-day lives and, in our turn, be commended, when we finally meet him, by our Lord and Saviour.


I am grateful, as ever, to the ministers who have provided services of Holy Communion during the past week, and to Fr Bill Nix and Fr Michael Rear who will be celebrating this weekend’s Masses at Frinton, I know you will give both these priests a warm welcome.


Fr Bill is taking a well-earned holiday from 20th: we wish him a good and happy time and look forward to his return on 11th September.


May our wonderful and generous God bless you always.


Frank ofs



Sunday Smile:

The children were lined up in the dining room of a Catholic primary school for lunch. At the end of the counter was a large pile of apples. The headteacher had made a note which she had placed by the apples: ‘Take only ONE. God is watching’. Moving further along the lunch queue, at the other end of the counter was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies. A child had written a note: ‘Take all you want. God is watching the apples’.