Fr Frank writes:
My dear friends,
Today we remember the War Dead:
Before the beginning thou hast foreknown the end,
before the birthday the death-bed was seen of thee:
cleanse what I cannot cleanse, mend what I cannot mend,
O Lord, All-Merciful, be merciful to me.
While the end is drawing near I know not mine end;
birth I recall not, my death I cannot foresee:
O God, arise to defend, rise to befriend,
O Lord All-Merciful, be merciful to me.
Christina Rossetti (1830-94)
During November we remember the departed (Holy Souls) at all Masses. The usual box will be by the altar in both churches, and squares of paper made available on which you may write the names of your departed loved ones to place in the box.
My thanks, as always, to the Eucharistic Ministers of Frinton who provided services of the Word and Holy Communion in my absence on retreat last week, and to Fr Bill who celebrated the Masses at Dovercourt.
Please note that the email address is inoperative. Please use the address; for all communications that you wish to come direct to me.
May the Souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.
Frank ofs
Sunday Smile:
A catechist was telling how Lot’s wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. “That’s nothing” said one boy. “My mother was driving the car the other day and she looked back and turned into a telegraph pole.”