Fr Frank writes:
My dear friends,
A prayer for November:
May the Father take you
in his fragrant clasp of love,
when you go across the flooding streams
and the black river of death.
Traditional Celtic
During November we remember the departed (Holy Souls) at all Masses. The usual box will be by the altar in both churches, and squares of paper made available on which you may write the names of your departed loved ones to place in the box.
I shall be on Retreat from Tuesday to Friday this coming week and promise to remember you all in my prayers. My thanks, as always, to the Eucharistic Ministers of Frinton who will be providing services of the Word and Holy Communion in my absence, and to Fr Bill who will be celebrating the Masses at Dovercourt.
Next Sunday is Remembrance Sunday and there will be a Requiem Mass for the War Dead in each parish. If you are attending Mass at Dovercourt, please arrive early and assemble in the car park at 10.35am for the Act of Remembrance.
Please note that the email address is inoperative. Please use the address; for all communications.
May the Souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.
Frank ofs
Sunday Smile:
After an organ overhaul, the organ builder left a note for the lady organist as follows:
“You will now be able to change your combinations without taking your feet off the pedals.”