For Catholics on the Tendring Peninsula….
SPECIAL NEWSLETTER XLV – keeping in touch
Our Lady Queen of Heaven, Dovercourt: 01255 503383
Sacred Heart and St Francis of Assisi, Frinton-on-Sea: 01255 674475
Masses to be celebrated in our churches this week:
Monday (8th) (Dovercourt) 9.30am Paul Kohlmann RIP
Wednesday (10th) (Frinton) 11.00am Jackie Camilleri (Joseph Camilleri)
Thursday (11th) (Frinton) 11.00am Charlie Howlett RIP (Myra Howlett)
Friday (12th) (Dovercourt) 9.30am Pope Francis (anniversary of election)
Saturday (13th) (Frinton) 6.00pm Marjorie Hosegood RIP
Sunday (14th) (Frinton) 8.30am Monica Costello (Bridie Lawlor)
(Dovercourt) 10.45am Tony Farry RIP (Rachel Bartholomew)
In addition to these Masses, Fr Bill will continue to celebrate Mass in The Presbytery. His Mass intentions are:
Dorothy Ward RIP (Rachel Bartholomew)
In Thanksgiving
Prisoners and their families
Candidates for the Sacraments
All Parishioners
Fr Frank writes:
My dear friends,
Sadly, the Coronavirus restrictions still apply this Easter. Aiming for fairness, we will be operating a booking system similar to the one we used at Christmas.
Easter Triduum: bookings can be made for one Mass only, either for Maundy Thursday, 1st April (Dovercourt 8.00pm) or Good Friday, 2nd April (Frinton 2.30pm, Dovercourt 5.00pm) or Holy Saturday, 3rd April (Frinton 6.00pm) or Easter Day, 4th April (Frinton 8.30am, Dovercourt 10.45am). To book your Mass, Frinton parishioners should ring Anne (01255 674475) ON THURDAY AFTERNOON, either on 11th or 18th March, between 2.00pm and 4.00pm. Dovercourt parishioners should ring Jane ((01255 503383) ON TUESDAY MORNING, either on 9th or 16th March, between 10.00am and 12.00 noon. Please do not ring outside the scheduled times. Attendance during the Triduum will be restricted to those who have pre-booked. Please make this information known to as many people as you can.
May our loving Father bless you now and always,
Fr Frank
Sunday Mass attendance, March 2021: 6/7 March surnames E-K; 13/14 Mar L-R; 20/21 Mar S-Z; 27/28 Mar A-D. Please note that there are no alphabetical restrictions applied to weekday Masses.
Church Finance: as you can probably imagine our income has seriously reduced of late. A good way of continuing to support the church, even on Sundays when you are unable to be present, is to convert your envelope or cash giving to Standing Order. Our bank account details for both parishes are: Bank, HSBC, Sort Code 40-13-22. The Account numbers are, for “Catholic Church Harwich & Dovercourt”, 61019767 and for “Catholic Church Frinton on Sea”, 61019643.
You may like to make payments via the diocesan on-line donation facility. For Harwich go to:
for Frinton:
Sunday Smile: A minister, on visiting his local hospital, would glance at the list of patients on display in the sister’s office. He noticed that the letters RC appeared frequently after the names of patients and remarked one day to the sister on the high percentage of Catholics. “Oh, that’s not their denomination,” replied the sister, “RC stands for their breakfast preference – Rice Crispies.”