Fr Frank writes:
My Dear Friends,
“It is the Lord!” This exclamation of the Apostle John emphasises the intense emotion experienced by the disciples on recognising the risen Christ, who appeared to them for the third time on the shore of the Sea of Tiberias. After a long night of loneliness and toil, the dawn arrives and his appearance radically changes everything: the darkness is overcome by light, the fruitless work becomes an easy and abundant catch of fish, the feeling of tiredness and loneliness is transformed into joy and peace. Since then, these same sentiments enliven the Church. We know with certainty that the light of Easter now shines eternally on those who follow Christ. The great message of the Resurrection fills the hearts of the faithful with inner joy and renewed hope. (St John Paul II)
Easter ends on the Feast of Pentecost (8/9th June). This is the day when we celebrate the Church of many languages and nations. To emphasise this I would like the readings at Mass that weekend to be in a language other than English. If your first language is not English and you would like to read at one of the Masses that weekend please let me know (preferably by email or by written note). If we have any volunteers for this wonderful task, I promise I shall sign the Eucharistic Prayer using the language of the deaf! But only if we have volunteers!!
May the Risen and Glorified Christ bless you now and always.
Frank ofs
Sunday Smile:
From Scotland:
Having preached for half an hour the minister asked, “And what shall I say more?”
A voice from the back replied, “Say Amen, mon, and sit doon.”