Fr Frank writes:
My dear friends,
If you suspect that you may have the virus ring 111 and seek advice – do not go to your surgery.
Remember to ensure that we maintain good hygiene:
- Catch it – sneeze/cough into a tissue
- Bin it – bin the tissue
- Kill it – thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol hand gel
- Do not touch your face unless you have washed your hands.Ministers of the Eucharist will continue to sanitise their hands before and after distributing holy communion. When visiting parishioners at home Ministers and Care Group members should always use alcohol hand gel before and after the visit.No pastoral visits should be made to people who are self-isolating. However, do offer phone support. If you cannot get to Mass because you are self-isolating, please make an Act of Spiritual Communion – see the enclosed sheet with suggestions for prayer.From this weekend (14/15 March) holy water will be removed from both churches and the use of the Chalice suspended at both Sunday and Weekday Masses. The celebrating priest will receive from the chalice as a sign of our communion. You are also asked to refrain from shaking hands at the sign of peace and from receiving the host on the tongue.LENT RECONCILIATION SERVICES:Frinton: Saturday 28th March at 10.00am.On both occasions there will be three priests present to enable you to make individual confession should you feel moved to do so. Whether you intend to make an individual confession or not, please come along to one of these important parish Lenten services.May the God of love bless you today and always.Frank ofs
- Sunday Smile: Whilst sitting at a table in a public restaurant a lady was joined by two nuns. She politely asked them, “What is your Order?” The sisters replied, “Sausage and chips.”
- Harwich/Dovercourt: Saturday 21st March at 10.00am