Fr Frank writes:
My dear Friends,
This is a busy time of the year, so just a repeat of a few dates/times for your diary this week:
Harwich & Dovercourt:
Christmas Eve: Christmas Family Mass 6.00pm
This Mass is for everyone. All children are invited, should they wish, to come dressed in Christmas costume: shepherds, angels, Mary, Joseph, Kings, donkey, sheep etc. Please invite your family, friends and neighbours to come and join us on this joyful occasion.
Christmas Day: Mass of the Day 10.45am
Frinton & Walton:
Christmas Eve: Night Mass, begins with carols at 8.00pm. Mass begins as soon as I get back from Harwich/Dovercourt. Please come early to ensure a seat.
Christmas Day: Mass of the Day 8.30am
Anne and I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Christmas.
May Christ who became a little baby for love of you bless you today and always,
Frank ofs
Sunday Smile:
Overheard outside a church in Winchester:
“I suppose we could have a coffee. Susan will be still doing the ironing and there’s nothing worse than being in your own house when the cleaner is there.”