For Catholics on the Tendring Peninsula….
SPECIAL NEWSLETTER XI – keeping in touch.
Catholic Parishes of:
Our Lady Queen of Heaven, Dovercourt: 01255 503383
Sacred Heart and St Francis of Assisi, Frinton-on-Sea: 01255 674475
Masses to be celebrated in our churches this week:
Monday (8th): (Frinton) 9.00am Antoinette Moran Southern RIP
Tuesday (9th): (Frinton) 11.00am The Sisters (Fr Frank)
Thursday (11th): (Frinton) 11.00am Francisco Villar & Teodora Nazareno Villar RIP (Dolores Neal)
Friday (12th): (Frinton) 9.00am David Richards RIP
Saturday (13th): (Frinton) 6.00pm Sr Agatha (Jo & Jonathan Geldard)
Sunday (14th) (Dovercourt) 10.45am Rev John Turner RIP
In addition to these Masses, Fr Bill will continue to celebrate Mass in The Presbytery. His intentions this week are:
Fr Arthur Barrow
The Recently Bereaved
Staff & Students of St Joseph’s and St Philomena’s
All Parishioners
All NHS Staff, Carers, Key Workers & Volunteers
My dear friends,
This is our 11th Sunday in ‘Lockdown’ and many are wondering how long it will all go on. I can tell you that we have been preparing for re-opening. This involves buying in tape, masks, sanitiser, cleaning sprays etc etc. As things stand, we may be able to open sometime early next month. But, be warned, we must observe ‘social distancing’. If this is maintained at 2 metres I calculate that no more than ten individuals (or up to 10 couples from the same household) can meet at any time in Frinton and twelve in Dovercourt. This will be a long way from the full ‘Sunday experience’.
Next weekend (Corpus Christi) our First Holy Communion children should have been celebrating receiving the Blessed Sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time, either on Saturday morning (Dovercourt) or Saturday evening (Frinton). This will now be put back until things return to normal and they can complete their preparation course. We pray for all the children and families affected and we also pray for our catechists in both parishes – Philippa in Frinton and Libby in Dovercourt.
May the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit bless you today and always,
Fr Frank
A hymn for the Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity:
Holy God, we praise thy name; Holy Father, holy Son,
Lord of all, we bow before thee! Holy Spirit, three we name thee,
All on earth thy sceptre own, while in essence only one
all in heaven above adore thee. undivided God we claim thee;
Infinite thy vast domain, and, adoring, bend the knee
everlasting is thy reign. while we own the mystery.
If only we could sing this hymn together! In our Laudate hymn book, it is set to a wonderful C18th tune that complements the phrasing of the poetry perfectly. ‘The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.’ (Words of St Paul taken from this Sunday’s second reading.) (AJ)
Apologies: my apologies for getting my Confirmation Candidates’ Files mixed up last week. Sorry for missing out your name and for including some from last year! Our current list of candidates is: Eleanor, Jake, Julia, and Madeline – we continue to pray for them.
Offertory: A simple way of continuing to donate to church funds, go to:
For Harwich & Dovercourt parishioners:
for Frinton & Walton parishioners:
Sunday Smile: It was reported that…………. at a Scout camp, where the service was to be taken by a bishop on a very hot humid summer day, that the moderator of the Free Church Federal Council had turned up in his full robes. Standing around sweating buckets and getting hotter and hotter under the dog collar, he turned to the local minister and bellowed, “When is that flipping bishop going to turn up?” A man standing by in Scout uniform said, “I’m already here.”