Fr Frank writes:
My Dear Friends,
The Eucharist (also known as the Mass) is not just important, it is essential food for our journey through life. Life deals us many ups and downs and we need all the help we can get. The best and most precious help is to be had through the Blessed Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ. The Mass is rightly called the source and summit of the Church. It is the greatest gift we can receive in this world: the gift of Christ himself. In the Eucharist the divine life of Christ enters our very bodies and souls giving us the grace to live as Christ would have us live. We rejoice that, once again, we can take part in this Sacred Meal and, on this special day, give a little extra thanks for all God’s goodness to us.
It is especially appropriate that we celebrate First Holy Communions in both parishes today. Do please pray for Henry and Cameron (Frinton Vigil Mass) and Audrey, Emily, Emily-Rose and Evie (Sunday Mass at Dovercourt). Pray too for their catechists, parents and family.
Also, do keep in your prayers three young people from the Harwich & Dovercourt Parish; Ava, Tilly and James, who received the Sacrament of Confirmation at Mass last Sunday (Trinity Sunday).
As a result of holidays, next weekend’s Newsletter will be a bumper edition. Whilst I am away I am grateful for so many for ensuring spiritual life goes on in the two parishes. I am indebted to Fr Michael Rear who will be celebrating Mass at Frinton in my absence, and, as always, to Fr Bill who will be celebrating at Dovercourt until he himself goes on holiday towards the end of July. Our Eucharistic Ministers do a wonderful job in the absence of a priest, and I thank them too.
May Christ, the Bread of Life, bless you today and always.
Frank ofs
Sunday Smile:
From Gillian Wildney at the urging of the Coffee Morning clientele:
Little bats flying high.
Dropping messages from the sky,
the priest looked up and wiped his eye
praising God that cows don’t fly.