Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Twenty-First Sunday and Twenty-second Sunday, 14, 21 and 28 August.

The Assumption of Our Lady (Luke 1:39-56)

There is of course no gospel reading which narrates the Assumption into heaven of the Blessed Virgin Mary, her sharing body and soul in the risen life of her Son. Mary was the first to respond to the call to serve Christ.

The gospel reading demonstrates with what faith and generosity Mary answered God’s call.

The inexpressible glory of the risen life bestowed on Mary is suggested in the vision of the woman ‘adorned with the sun, standing on the moon, and with twelve stars on her head’ from the Book of Revelation, which has traditionally been used to celebrate the glory Mary receives through her being ‘assumed’ body and soul into the presence of God.

What does the feast of the Assumption tell us about the value of our bodies?

Why is it that Mary is so privileged by God?

We pray that we may be filled with the hope of the resurrection.

Let us pray for a deeper appreciation and love for the mother of Jesus.


Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 13:22-30)

This gospel reading combines two themes: the difficulty of entering the kingdom of God, and the arrival of people from every corner of the earth.

Jesus speaks of the danger of presuming to be saved. Those who do so may find themselves barred from the kingdom. There is a clear implication here that simply to have heard and known about Jesus is not enough. The call does not guarantee salvation. Whether we are Jew or Gentile, it is our response that matters.

Do I presume that the way to the kingdom of God will be easy?

Do I have fixed ideas about who will enter the kingdom of God?

Let us pray for those who have lost all desire to find God in their lives.

Let us pray for a deeper sense of belonging to the Church throughout the world.    


Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 14:1,7-14)     

For the Christian there is nothing too mundane, no activity which cannot benefit from the light of faith. For the Christian there is no person who does not deserve the gift of our hospitality, the gift of our love.

Do I endeavour to shed the light of faith on all my actions and decisions?

Do I strive for true humility in my attitudes and behaviour?

Let us pray for a heart that is welcoming towards those who are rejected and ill-treated.

Let us pray that despite our weakness we may one day take our place at the wedding feast of God.                                                          

                                                                                                                                       Fr Adrian Graffy