Fr Frank writes:
My dear friends,
In today’s Gospel reading Jesus tells us that he has come not to abolish the Law or the Prophets but to fulfil them.
Living by the Law of Moses was, and is, central to adherents of the Jewish religion. We are all familiar with the Decalogue, but in addition to these 10 Commandments there are an additional collection of laws, bringing the total to over 600. I suppose the question is: ‘Are these relevant to us?’ and the answer: ‘Yes,’ but in a radically different way from how they were originally perceived.
Jesus, in his person, fulfils the Law. We are to emulate him. How? By living a life suffused with love. We are specifically instructed by Jesus to love one another. And to love one another as he has done. That is, by giving our all.
Love is the key word for us. We are called to live according to the Law of Love. Jesus points out that it is not just murder, but having anger in our heart which condemns us. It is not just the act of adultery, but having a lustful eye which condemns us.
Our Christian faith, Jesus makes clear, isn’t simply a question obedience to a set of rules or laws. It is to do with our internal disposition – the question we need to ask ourselves is: ‘Am I a loving person?’
May the God of Love bless you now and always.
Frank ofs
Sunday Smile:
A young priest had spent all his life in towns and didn’t really understand his rural parishioners.
Deploring the townsman’s ignorance, a farm worker said, “He knows no more ‘bout farmin’ than a cow ‘bout Sunday.”