SS Peter and Paul 29/30 June 2019
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary time (Year C) 6/7 July 2019
Fifteen Sunday – Sea Sunday (Year C) 13/14 July 2019
Sixteenth Sunday (Year C) 20/21 July 2019
Sunday Smile:
A priest was a Doctor of Divinity and his wife was a Doctor of Medicine. A man called at the Rectory and asked if he could see “the Doctor”. The housekeeper took one look at him and said, “Which one do you want…………………..the preaching one or the practising one?”
Saints and Feast Days
Sun 30 SS Peter and Paul
Mon 1 Anniversary of Bishop Alan’s Episcopal Ordination (2014)
Wed 3 St Thomas (Feast)
Sat 6 Our Lady on Saturday
Sun 7 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)
Thurs 11 St Benedict: Patron of Europe (European Feast)
Sat 13 Our Lady on Saturday
Sun 14 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C): Sea Sunday
Mon 15 St Bonaventure (Memorial)
Tue 16 Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Optional Memorial)
Sat 20 Our Lady on Saturday
Sun 21 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)
Mon 22 St Mary Magdelene (Feast)
Tue 23 St Bridget of Sweden: Patron of Europe (European Feast)
Thurs 25 St James (Feast)
Fri 26 Ss Joachim & Anne, Parents of the BVM (Memorial)
Sat 27 Our Lady on Saturday
Sun 28 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)
Altar Servers: if you would like to join the serving team at either church, please let me know. You must have made your first holy communion. Thank you, Fr Frank
Ministries in Church: Do you feel left out? Do you feel you have something to offer but have never been given the opportunity? If you feel called to be a Minister of the Eucharist, or Reader, or Welcomer, or Cantor, please let me know. Thank you, Fr Frank
Hospital Admissions: if you or one of your family is admitted to hospital, please remember to make it clear to the staff that you are Catholic and that you would like to see someone from the Chaplaincy. In the case of emergency (e.g. imminent death) please ring Fr Frank day or night.
Retiring Collections: 30th June – Institutes of Missionary Sisters (special preached appeal)
14th July – Apostleship of the Sea