For Catholics on the Tendring Peninsula….
PALM SUNDAY (YEAR B) 27/28 March 2021
Our Lady Queen of Heaven, Dovercourt: 01255 503383
Sacred Heart and St Francis of Assisi, Frinton-on-Sea: 01255 674475
Masses to be celebrated in our churches this week:
Monday (29th) (Dovercourt) 9.30am Stewards of both parishes
Wednesday (31st) (Dovercourt) 10.00am Funeral Service: Elizabeth Cooper RIP
Maundy Thursday (1st) (Frinton) 4.00pm John Turner RIP (The Sisters)
(Dovercourt) * 8.00pm Fr Arthur Barrow
Good Friday (2nd) (Frinton) * 2.30pm SOLEMN LITURGY OF GOOD FRIDAY
Easter Vigil Mass (3rd) (Frinton) * 6.00pm Marie Hines RIP (Pat Scott)
Easter Day (4th) (Frinton) * 8.30am Fr Frank & Anne (Dolores Neal)
(Dovercourt) *10.45am All Parishioners
*pre-booked seats only
In addition to these Masses, Fr Bill will continue to celebrate Mass in The Presbytery. His Mass intentions are:
Prisoners and their families
Penitents and Wanderers
Private Intentions
Private Intentions
Fr Frank writes:
Today we begin the most significant week in the Christian calendar – Holy Week. Unlike other years there will not be a full programme in both parishes. I have done my best to ensure that there is something most days, but we cannot have full attendance due to the distancing requirements under the Covid-19 measures. I’m sure you’ll be understanding and hope that you have managed to book for one of the liturgies.
This is the second year we have celebrated a ‘Lockdown’ Triduum. Last year it was just Anne and me in church! This year is therefore an improvement and something to cheer! Next year, God willing, we shall have a celebration of Easter with full churches, and what an Easter that will be (absence, as they say, making the heart grow fonder).
It has been a strange 12 months for all of us, and painful in many ways, but much good has come from it too.
We will all have our notions about what that good is. For me it is the way people have rallied round, in the two parishes and wider afield as well. Our faith is based on love (agape – caring for others) and this has been the challenge and the joy of the past 12 months. From Captain Sir Tom to local foodbanks and other neighbourhood initiatives our faith has been at work in the community.
And such caring never goes unrewarded.
May our risen and glorified Lord bless you now and always.
Fr Frank
Sunday Mass attendance, April 2021: Easter Triduum and Easter Day, pre-booked seats only; 10/11 April E-K; 17/18 April L-R; 24/25 April S-Z. Please note that there are no alphabetical restrictions applied to weekday Masses.
Sunday Smile: Signing the register at a wedding, the best man had difficulty in making the ball-point pen work “Put you weight on it,” said the priest. He duly signed:
John Smith (ten stone four pounds)