Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

Fourth Sunday of Easter 7 May 2017

Fr Frank writes:


My Dear Friends,


It is good to be back with you, and both Anne and I are looking forward once again to taking as full a part as possible in the lives of the two parishes. But, realistically, it will take me some time to be fully ‘back on my feet’ – I know you will be patient and understanding.


Thank you for all your prayers, Masses and words of encouragement over the past 2 months, they were very welcome and cheered me up considerably. Many thanks, too, to all those who took on extra responsibilities during my absence, especially our two Stewards of the Gospel, our MCs, and our Parish Administrator, and, on this Day of Prayer for Vocations when we are reminded of our need for good ‘shepherds’, I express my heartfelt thanks to Frs Bill, Lee and Michael for providing for the spiritual needs of the two parishes (not forgetting the funerals they have had to organise and conduct).


My thanks, also, for your good wishes over Easter, for your gifts and for your generous Easter Offering. You are wonderful people and I am fortunate to be your priest.


May Christ the good shepherd bless and guide you now and always.


Frank ofs


Sunday Smile:

A priest, tired of his parishioners constantly confessing their adultery, asked them to simply say they had fallen. He was duly replaced by another priest who, at Mass one Sunday, complained about the state of the pavements in and around the parish, and of how he had tripped and fallen. At this there were great guffaws in church. Pointing to one man, he said, “I don’t know why you find it so amusing, your wife fell three times last week”.