Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) 3/4 February 2018

Fr Frank writes


My dear Friends,


The words of Job in our first reading could well have been taken up by many of the sick and distressed Mark describes in our Gospel reading. Days and nights must have passed very slowly for them as they wondered whether their eyes would ever see joy again. It is not surprising, then, that they need and seek Jesus. His reputation as a healer is already well established; when they meet him, he does not let them down. He cures many ‘suffering from diseases of one kind or another’. All of us live through times when life becomes a burden and we have to approach Jesus for support and healing. That comfort and healing, I pray, will come to us through those around us, those with whom we share our lives. Sometimes it is for us to bring Jesus’ care and compassion. All of us are called to be channels of God’s healing.


My apologies to Frinton parishioners, but there will be no Mass on Wednesday morning as I shall be celebrating Mass at St Benedict’s College, Colchester, nor on Thursday when I shall be celebrating at St Joseph’s School in Dovercourt. My thanks to our Eucharistic Ministers who will be providing a service of readings and Holy Communion on these two mornings in addition to that on Tuesday (my day off). By way of compensation, I have put down a Mass on Friday morning. My thanks to Fr Bill who will celebrate at Dovercourt on Friday as well as on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. School Masses can have a disruptive effect on the weekly parish Mass schedule, but I feel the benefits far and away outweigh the inconvenience. Please pray for our schools, for all pupils/students, the teaching staff and support staff.


May the God of compassion reach out to you in your hour of need,


Frank ofs


Sunday Smile:

Notes left for the milkman:

Dear Milkman, please leave an extra pint of paralysed milk.

Cancel one pint after the day after today.

Please don’t leave any more milk. All they do is drink it.