Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

Fifth Sunday of Lent (Readings from Year A) 17/18 March 2018

Fr Frank writes:


My dear Friends,


As we approach the most holy season of the Church Year I give below details of Holy Week and the Triduum.


Harwich & Dovercourt:

Palm Sunday, 25 March: Mass with blessing of Palms, 10.45am

Monday, 26 March: School Mass in church, 1.30pm

*Wednesday, 28 March: Chrism Mass at the Cathedral, 7.00pm

Thursday, 29 March: Funeral Mass (Tony Farry RIP), 11.45am

Holy Thursday, 29 March: Mass of the Lord’s Supper with Watch, 7.00pm

Good Friday, 30 March: Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday, 5.00pm

Holy Saturday, 31 March: Easter Vigil, 6.00pm


Frinton & Walton:

Vigil of Palm Sunday, 24 March: Mass with blessing of Palms, 6.00pm

Palm Sunday, 25 March: Mass with blessing of Palms, 8.30am

*Wednesday, 28 March: Chrism Mass at the Cathedral, 7.00pm

Holy Thursday, 29 March: Mass of the Lord’s Supper with Watch, 7.00pm

Good Friday, 30 March: Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday, 3.00pm

Holy Saturday, 31 March: Easter Vigil, 6.00pm


*look out for details of a possible coach from the two parishes.


Lent is also a time when adults are prepared for reception into the Church and to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. We are fortunate this year in having catechumens/candidates in both parishes. Please pray for our catechumens/candidates: Alex Baxter (to be received on Easter Day, Harwich and Dovercourt) and Paul Bray, Rachel Hunt, Edward Lewis, Carolyn Meikle, John Scott and Tracey Sibley (to be received on Holy Saturday, Frinton and Walton)


May our loving God bless and enrich the lives of each one of you.


Frank ofs


Sunday Smile: Husband to wife (overheard in New York subway): ‘Honey, if God had wanted us to have money, he would have made us TV Evangelists!’