Fr Frank writes:
My Dear Friends,
St John Paul II writes: “I John, saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God”. The splendid vision of the heavenly Jerusalem, which today’s Liturgy of the Word presents to us closes the Book of Revelation and the whole series of sacred books which comprise the bible. With this magnificent description of the City of God the author indicates the definitive defeat of evil and the achievement of perfect communion between God and men. From the beginning, the history of salvation aims at this goal. Before the community of believers, who are also called to proclaim the Gospel and to witness to their own faith in Christ amid various trials, the supreme goal shines forth: the heavenly Jerusalem! We are all advancing towards that goal, where the saints and martyrs have preceded us down the centuries. On our earthly pilgrimage these brethren of ours, who have passed victoriously through “great tribulation”, serve as an example, incentive and encouragement to us.
THIRD PLEA: Easter ends on the Feast of Pentecost (8/9th June). This is the day when we celebrate the Church of many languages and nations. To emphasise this I would like the readings at Mass that weekend to be in a language other than English. If your first language is not English and you would like to read at one of the Masses that weekend please let me know (preferably by email or by written note). If we have any volunteers for this wonderful task, I promise I shall sign the Eucharistic Prayer using the language of the deaf! But only if we have volunteers!!
May the Risen and Glorified Christ bless you now and always.
Frank ofs
Sunday Smile:
A minister coming home from chapel one Sunday met two little boys proudly carrying fishing nets and jars full of tiddlers. “Do you know where little boys go who go fishing on Sunday?” he said solemnly.
“Oh yes,” one of them replied eagerly, “up the cut and under the third bridge.”