Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) 25/26 February 2017

Fellow Parishioners

In Matthew’s Gospel, we hear Jesus’ voice telling us “Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own”.

It is easy to say to another “Don’t worry it will get easier/better/be okay” but how can we understand how the other person is really feeling. Even if we have experienced a similar experience as the other person – our own perception of our own situation will be very personal to us.

We need to listen to the voice of Jesus as He tells us our heavenly Father knows all our needs.

It is so affirming to hear Isaiah telling us that the Lord will never forget us and in St Paul’s letter to the Corinthians we hear him enlightening the people of Corinth by saying the Lord alone is our judge; He will light up all that is hidden in the dark we just need to be open to His call to us.

We are very fortunate in our Parishes that we have parishioners across the district loving and supporting each other through prayer and practical support at home, the workplace and neighbourhood by being the people God created us to be – loving creatures to be here for each other.

In a changing landscape the certainty that God loves us, that we can talk to Him in prayer enables us to continue the work we are here to do. Pray for the support for our families, nurture and care for them in good and bad times and be ready to receive love and care from others. In this mysterious way, we become God’s hands and feet and His voice in the world.

Please pray for continued blessings on our Parish,


Sheila Wright


Sunday Smile

A parishioner was talking to their family about their wishes for their funeral. They mentioned a headstone and the wording which went along the lines of the normal name, dates etc. with the phrase “S/he tried” and a family member added “S/he was very trying!”