Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) 5 August 2018

Fr Frank writes:  


My Dear Friends,


Longing for food, looking forward to the next meal, is a popular human pastime – food shopping (as well as planning menus, baking, cooking and eating out) could now be classed as a hobby!


In today’s first reading the whole community of Israel complain to Moses and express their longing for good food. They have their new found freedom, but the menu that goes with it offers little variety and very small portions.


With slavery in Egypt behind them they look back through ‘rose coloured spectacles’ as they reminisce about the food available to them in those days and they express their complaint to Moses.


In today’s Gospel reading another crowd follow the instructions of their stomach and express their longing for food. This time it is the crowd of Galileans who, on the previous day, ate to their heart’s content when Jesus offered them a meal of barley loaves. Now they follow Jesus to Capernaum and, again, they are hungry.


Jesus tells his hungry pursuers that they are only following him because they have enjoyed the food that physically satisfies them; they would be better employed, he says, working for the food that endures to eternal life.


The Galileans promptly ask Jesus for a sign to aid their belief in him – a sign like the manna their fathers ate in the desert. Jesus then declares that he himself is the bread of life, the bread which comes down from heaven. He tells them that whoever believes in him will never be hungry.


May the God who feeds us with the only food fitting us for eternal life bless you now and always.


Frank ofs


Sunday Smile:

A lad came home from the church youth club and said, “Dad, I’ve got a part in the play.”

“What is it?” his dad asked.

“I play a man who’s been married for 20 years.”

“Never mind,” said his father. “Next time you may get a speaking part.”