Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

Easter Day 4 April 2021 and Sunday 11 April 2021

For Catholics on the Tendring Peninsula….

SPECIAL NEWSLETTER XLIX – keeping in touch.


EASTER DAY – THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD                                                       3/4 April 2021



Our Lady Queen of Heaven, Dovercourt:             01255 503383

email                       Harwich@dioceseofbrentwood.org

website                   www.harwichcatholics.org.uk

Sacred Heart and St Francis of Assisi, Frinton-on-Sea:         01255 674475

email                       Frinton@dioceseofbrentwood.org

website:                  www.frintoncatholicchurch.wordpress.com


Masses to be celebrated in our churches this week:

Monday (5th)        (Dovercourt)         9.30am                 Alice McCarthy RIP

Wednesday (7th)  (Frinton)                11.00am Iris Ball                  

Thursday (8th)      (Frinton)                11.00am Alice O’Loughlin RIP (Rose & John Ryan)

Friday (9th)            (Dovercourt)         9.30am                 Bertha Annie Webb RIP and Joseph Ferdinand Webb RIP

Saturday (10th)     (Frinton)                6.00pm                 Charlie Price (Anne Jackson)

Sunday (11th)       (Frinton)                8.30am                 Sr Raphael Lynch RIP

(Dovercourt)         10.45am Michael Noons RIP (Maree Noons)

There are no Masses from Monday 12th to Friday 16th.

Saturday (17th)     (Frinton)                6.00pm                 Michael Mangan (Peter McManamon)

Sunday (18th)       (Frinton)                8.30am                 Pauline Treacy RIP (Elaine Lamborn)

                                (Dovercourt)         10.45am All Parishioners


In addition to these Masses, Fr Bill will continue to celebrate Mass in The Presbytery.  His Mass intentions are:

Dunn and O’Callaghan Families RIP                       New Members of the Church

Florence McCarthy RIP                                           Migrants and Refugees

Dermot and Emmett Neville RIP                            Racial Justice

Vocations                                                                Prisoners and their families

All Parishioners                                                       Private Intentions


Fr Frank writes:

My Dear Friends,

Once again we are privileged to celebrate Our Lord’s Resurrection:  The Queen of Feasts:  The glorious pinnacle and origin of our Faith.  As Bishop Alan has recently reminded the Clergy, “Easter is not simply one feast among others, but the ‘Feast of Feasts’, the ‘Solemnity of Solemnities’….St Athanasius calls Easter ‘The Great Sunday’ and the Eastern Catholic Churches call Holy Week ‘The Great Week’.  All this remains true despite the limitations and anxieties of present parish life.”

And it is true that whilst we may not be able to sing in church, we can all sing in our hearts:  Christ is Risen, Alleluia!

Please note that from 12th to 16th April there will be no Masses in either church.

Finally, thank you for all your cards, gifts, and kind messages, and for the Easter Offering – all of this makes a big difference to us, and not just financially!  I shall offer Masses of Thanksgiving at the earliest opportunity – this is the best gift I can give in return for your generosity of spirit.

May our risen and glorified Lord bless you now and always.

Surrexit Christus:  Alleluia!

Fr Frank


Sunday Mass attendance, April 2021: 10/11 April, surnames E-K; 17/18 April L-R; 24/25 April S-Z.  Please note that there are no alphabetical restrictions applied to weekday Masses.


Sunday Smile:  Arriving at church to attend a wedding, a woman in a large hat was tackled by the steward.  “Are you a friend of the groom?”

“Certainly not,” she replied, “I’m the bride’s mother.”