Fr Frank writes:
My Dear Friends,
Of this day Pope St John Paul II writes:
“Peace be with you!” This is how Jesus greets his Apostles in the Gospel for this Sunday that closes the Octave of Easter.
Peace is the gift of God. Only God can redirect hearts to thoughts of peace. Only he can give the energies that are necessary to be freed from hatred and the thirst for revenge and to undertake the process of negotiation for an agreement and for peace.
The liturgy today invites us to see in Divine Mercy the source of that authentic peace that the risen Christ offers us. The wounds of the risen and glorious Lord are the permanent sign of God’s merciful love for humanity. From them flows a spiritual light that enlightens consciences and pours into hearts comfort and hope.
I am grateful to Fr Michael Rear for celebrating the Sunday Masses at Frinton during my absence, and, as ever, to Fr Bill for celebrating the Masses at Dovercourt.
May God grant you a happy and blessed Eastertide.
Frank ofs
Sunday Smile:
Elton John hates talking about Indian clothing. Sari seems to be the hardest word.
I don’t live too far from here. As the crow flies it’s between 400 and 24,000 miles. Depending on which direction the crow takes.
I’m allergic to dogs and peanuts. I’ve never made it through an episode of Snoopy without having an asthma attack.