Corpus Christi (Luke 9:11-17)
Today we are given an opportunity to revisit the events of Holy Thursday and for deeper reflection on the mystery of the Eucharist instituted by Christ on the night before he died. St Paul reminds us that Jesus gave us not an earthly bread, but the bread which is the gift of himself that we might live.
How can we conform our lives to the self-giving of Christ in the Eucharist?
What might Jesus’ words to ‘give them something to eat yourselves’ suggest to us today?
Pray for true reverence for the gift of Christ’s Body and Blood in the Eucharist.
Pray for a deeper understanding that it is the Eucharist which makes the Church.
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 9:51-62)
It is the beginning of the journey of Jesus to Jerusalem, the place of his Passion and death, and of his resurrection. The evangelist curiously speaks of the time for him to be ‘taken up to heaven’. The journey is not simply the journey to death on the cross, but the journey to resurrection, which will culminate in the return of Jesus toto the presence of the father, from whom he came. Jesus faces the challenges of fidelity and hardship as do his disciples.
Am I prepared to make my journey to Jerusalem?
Is fidelity to the gospel the first priority in my life?
Pray for perseverance amid trials and hardships.
Pray for those who have no time for the good news.
SS Peter and Paul (Matthew 16:13-19)
Peter was with Jesus from the beginning of his ministry and accompanied him until the end. The life of Paul was dramatically changed by an encounter with the Risen Jesus. From persecuting Christians he became a preacher of the faith. Christ’s disciples today have come to know the good news because people like Peter and Paul were brave enough to give their lives for it and to proclaim it to the whole world.
What does the faith of Peter in the gospel reading teach me?
How does the faithful witness of Paul inspire me to spread the good news?
We thank God for all the martyrs who gave, and still give, their lives for the gospel.
We pray for those who have lost sight of Jesus amid the problems and distractions of life.
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Luke 10:1-9)
Only the Gospel of Luke gives this report of a sending out by Jesus of seventy-two disciples. They are given instructions in how to behave. They are taught to provide little for themselves and to be single-minded. The announcement of ‘peace’, the peace of God, lies at the heart of the gospel. They are called and sent by Jesus to bring the peace of God by proclaiming what Jesus proclaims, that the kingdom of God is near, and they are to confirm their message as Jesus did by acts of healing.
Am I single-minded in living the gospel?
How do I make the peace of the kingdom a reality for others?
Pray for an increase in labourers in the Lord’s vineyard.
Thank God for the fidelity shown by so many in the work of the gospel.
Fr Adrian Graffy