Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

The Ascension of the Lord (Year A) World Communications day 27/28 May 2017

Fr Frank writes:


My Dear Friends,

Today we celebrate Christ’s triumphant return to heaven forty days after the Resurrection on Easter Day. Christ returns to the Father so that he is no longer limited by time and space; thus he can be with us until the end of time. He is with us until the end of time in the Church, in the gathered community, in the word proclaimed in Holy Scripture, and, supremely, in the Blessed Sacrament.

Next Sunday we celebrate Pentecost – the beginning of the era of the Church. Nine of our young people will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on that day: Rebecca Dunbar (at the Vigil Mass in Frinton) and, Christopher Bartholomew, Patrick Bartholomew, Luca Kulacz, Neroli Kulacz, Holly Leach, Maisie Leach, Cameron Wallace, and Miles Wallace (at the 10.45am Mass in Dovercourt). Please keep these young people in your daily prayers this week.

Anne and I will be away for a short holiday from after Mass on Tuesday until Thursday evening – my thank you for all she did for me during my convalescence. If you need to speak to a priest in the case of an emergency, please speak to Jane Dunbar in the Parish Office in Dovercourt, or to Sheila Wright or Jane Robinson in Frinton, or ring Fr Bill (07472 617368) or Fr Michael Rear (01206 392695). Funeral, Baptism, Wedding arrangements etc. can be made after I return from our short holiday.

May the Risen, Ascended and Glorified Lord bless you now and always.

Frank ofs

Sunday Smile:

As the Sunday smile ‘Irish Medical Dictionary’ caused unintended offence it has been withdrawn. My apologies.