Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

TRIPLE EDITION First, Second and Third Sundays of Lent 10/17/24 March 2019

This week’s news for both Parishes


During Lent; we are asked to pray for these intentions: Candidates for the Sacraments; Women; The Needy and Hungry of the World; Survivors of Sexual Abuse; Penitents and Wanderers.


The Holy Father’s Mission Intention for March: that Christian communities, especially those who are persecuted, feel that they are close to Christ and have their rights respected.


Saints and Feast Days:

Wed     13       Anniversary of the Election of Pope Francis

Fri         15       Lent Fast Day

Sun       17   Second Sunday of Lent (Year C)

Tues     19       St Joseph (Solemnity)

Sun       24       Third Sunday of Lent

Mon       25       The Annunciation of the Lord (Solemnity)

Sun       31       Fourth Sunday of Lent (Year C) – Laetare Sunday & Mothering Sunday


We are encouraged to make The Stations of the Cross in Lent. The church is open during daylight hours. Various booklets with different versions are available inside the church that they may be helpful. Lent is a special time of preparation for Easter with the “spiritual tools” of “prayer, fasting and almsgiving”.


Ministries in Church: Do you feel left out? Do you feel you have something to offer but have never been given the opportunity? If you feel called to be a Minister of the Eucharist, or Reader, or Welcomer, or Cantor, please let me know. Thank you, Fr Frank.


Hospital Admissions: if you or one of your family is admitted to hospital, please remember to make it clear to the staff that you are Catholic and that you would like to see someone from the Chaplaincy. In the case of emergency (e.g. imminent death) please ring Fr Frank day or night.


The Essex Recusant Society (Brentwood Diocesan Historical Society) will hold its next meeting on Saturday 30 March at 2.30pm: The Grange, 93 Queens Road, Brentwood, Esssex, CM14 4EY. Mr Edward Walsh (Parish Archivist) will speak on ‘Our Lady Of Lourdes, Wansted – 100 years old’.


Retiring Collection: There will be a collection taken at all Masses on 16th/17th following our Lent Fast Day – proceeds to CAFOD.