Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) 27 October 2019

Fr Frank writes:


My dear friends,


Today’s Gospel parable contains important teaching about prayer. Two men go to the Temple to pray. One is a Pharisee (a cleric) and the other a tax collector (a hated collaborator working for the occupying Roman forces). The Pharisee in his prayer is not interested in God, but only in himself. All the verbs he uses are in the first person: I am not grasping; I fast twice a week; I pay tithes etc. As Jesus put it “he said this prayer to himself.” What God wants is not self-satisfaction from those who look down on others (“I thank you that I am not like this tax collector here”). He doesn’t want boastful prayers, the prayers of those who trust in themselves rather than in God. The prayer of the tax collector, on the other hand, is commended. His prayer is made in faith and humility. He expresses his need of God – his need of forgiveness. His mind and his prayers are focussed on God as he throws himself at the mercy of the “righteous judge”.


On the 1st November we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints. This is a Holy Day of Obligation (a day when all Catholics are expected to attend Mass). There are two Masses in each parish that day (including the Vigil at Frinton) to help you to fulfil your Obligation.


During November we remember the departed (Holy Souls) at all Masses. The usual box will be by the altar in both churches and squares of paper available on which you may write the names of your departed loved ones to place in the box.


May the Souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.


May our good and merciful God bless you now and always.


Frank ofs


Sunday Smile:

The minister was being carried away by his own exuberance in leading prayers. He began, “O Thou who rulest the raging of the sea, the fierceness of the winds…..” Then he seemed to lose himself for a moment, but soon carried on – “Bless our wives.”