Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

Second Sunday of Easter 19 April 2020

SPECIAL NEWSLETTER IV – keeping in touch.

SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER                                                                                                      18/19 April 2020

Catholic Parishes of:

Our Lady Queen of Heaven, Dovercourt:              01255 503383

email                     Harwich@dioceseofbrentwood.org

website                 www.harwichcatholics.org.uk

Sacred Heart and St Francis of Assisi, Frinton-on-Sea:         01255 674475

email                     Frinton@dioceseofbrentwood.org

website:                 www.frintoncatholicchurch.wordpress.com

‘Private’ Masses to be celebrated in our churches this week:             

Monday (20th):                       (Frinton)                  9.00am           Sheila Wright RIP (Anne Trangmar)

Wednesday (22nd):                 (Frinton)                  11.00am           Fr Jonny Torres (Bray)

Thursday (23rd):                      (Frinton)                 11.00am           Dave and Margaret Joyce (Bridie Lawlor)

Friday (24th):                           (Frinton)                  9.00am            Oscar Koncewicz

Saturday (25th):                      (Frinton)                  6.00pm            Fr Desmond Willett (The Sisters)

Sunday (26th)                          (Dovercourt)           10.45am          Fr Francis Clark

(I have changed this pattern to comply as best I can with Government restrictions on travelling)

In addition to these Masses, Fr Bill will continue to celebrate Mass in The Presbytery. His intentions this week are:

Mrs Cox RIP (Mary and Brian Sullivan)

Harry Smith RIP (Kulacz Family)

Tony Farry RIP (Kathleen Farry)

All Parishioners

NHS Staff, Carers, Key Workers & Volunteers





My dear Friends,

Life continues in its rather strange and quiet way during the pandemic. There are things which cause us to rejoice: the way volunteers have come forward in all communities to help the NHS, to deliver essential supplies to those who are unable to get out, and those who spend their time seeking innovative ways of keeping contact with the lonely and frightened. On Holy Thursday as I read the Gospel about Jesus washing the disciples’ feet my mind and my prayers wandered to these people who are ‘washing our feet’ during this pandemic. There are also, sadly, things that cause us pain: the number of deaths brought about by Covid-19, and the selfish and thoughtless behaviour of a sad minority.   We are all learning or re-learning skills – Anne has just cut my hair (ensuring that I don’t go out for a few weeks, [only joking] it looks as good as ever it can).

The Easter Triduum speaks powerfully of the love of God.   God hates sin, he nails it to the cross. God is love – when Jesus was laid in the tomb many thought that was the end, but we cannot kill love. Jesus embodied love, a love which is so powerful, a love which is always ready to break forth as it did on that first Easter Morn. This love can transform lives, can transform our world. All we have to do is invite it in.

Thank you for your Easter greetings and gifts – you are truly wonderful and thoughtful people.

May God’s Holy Spirit of love reign in us and through us and may our risen Lord bless you and keep you safe:

Fr Frank


A hymn for Easter:

We walk by faith, and not by sight: no gracious words we hear of him who spoke as none e’er spoke, but we believe him near.

The disciples said to Thomas, ‘we have seen the Lord’. But Thomas could not believe his friends. What kind of witnesses are we to the risen Christ? (AJ)



I know that many of you will be suffering economically as a result of the pandemic, but you may like to continue to contribute to the Church as best you can. Our parish income has gone down by many £100s each week. A simple way of doing this is to click on the appropriate link below and follow the very simple instructions. Good luck!


For Harwich & Dovercourt parishioners: https://www.dioceseofbrentwood.net/donations?parish=harwich-and-dovercourt

for Frinton & Walton parishioners: https://www.dioceseofbrentwood.net/donations?parish=frinton-on-sea


Sunday Smile: The parish priest of the Good Shepherd parish in the diocese of Texas, whilst asking his congregation to pray on one occasion added, “I bid you also to pray for those who are sick of this parish.”