Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church, Harwich, Essex

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) 25 July 2021

Fr Frank writes:


My dear friends,


Covid restrictions have been relaxed, but at the same time the medical and scientific experts are urging caution as infections and hospitalisations rise principally in connection with the Delta Variant.  The Church, following the advice of SAGE, has produced guidelines for a gradual return to normality.


The governing principle in all this is to provide a safe environment.  For the time being, we are not permitted to reintroduce holy water in the stoups and those attending Mass should wear masks and hand sanitize both on entering and leaving church.  Our churches will also remain well ventilated, and, as long as the risk remains high, communion will be administered in one kind only (i.e. we will not be using the Chalice).


Further details can be found on our websites and a copy of the full document is available on the website of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference for England and Wales.


The sick lists published in the pre-pandemic Newsletters are now well out of date, so we are beginning new lists.  Could Frinton parishioners please let me know of any names, by email or in writing please, that should be added, and could Dovercourt parishioners let Jane know.  Before submitting names, please remember to obtain permission from the sick person (or their immediate family if they are unable to respond for themselves).


Finally, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are once again able to visit the sick.  This can only be done, however, with permission of the family or the Care Home in which the parishioner lives.  If you are able and willing to resume this ministry, please bring your pyx to Mass together with a small label showing the number of hosts you wish to take out.  At Frinton, the usual Sunday morning routine can recommence, but, again, make sure you have permission to enter the home beforehand.


May the God of love bless you today and always.


Frank ofs


Sunday Smile:

The curate took his wife to the maternity hospital and said that he would ring later for the news.  When he phoned later in the day he called the wrong number and got the county cricket ground.  He said, “I brought my wife to your place this morning, is there any news?”  He was surprised to be told, “Yes, there are nine out and the last two were ducks.”